Saturday 3 December 2016


Signals are often described as “software interrupts.” The arrival of a signal informs a process that some event or exceptional condition has occurred. There are various types of signals, each of which identifies a different event or condition. Each signal type is identified by a different integer, defined with symbolic names of the form SIGxxxx.

Signals are sent to a process by the kernel, by another process, or by the process itself. For example, the kernel may send a signal to a process when one of the following occurs:
       the user typed the interrupt by Control-C on the keyboard;
       one of the process’s children has terminated;
       a timer (alarm clock) set by the process has expired; or
       the process attempted to access an invalid memory address.

Within the shell, the kill command can be used to send a signal to a process. The kill() system call provides the same facility within programs.
When a process receives a signal, it takes one of the following actions, depending on the signal:
       it ignores the signal;
       it is killed by the signal; or
       it is suspended until later being resumed by receipt of a special-purpose signal.

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